Meet the Team
In fourth grade, we equip students with the skills essential to becoming lifelong learners. With hard work your child will be inspired to love reading, writing, math, science, and social studies through collaboration. By working closely with parents, staff, and community members, our fourth grade team will build connections that ensure success for every student.
En cuarto grado trabajamos con los estudiantes para promover una inspiración hacia la lectura, escritura, matemáticas, ciencias y estudios sociales. Junto con ustedes, personal de la escuela y miembros de la comunidad nuestros estudiantes tendrán éxito durante el año escolar.
4th Grade Policies:
Homework Policy: Your child will have math and spelling homework Monday- Thursday. Your child will also receive geography homework on Wednesdays. Reading nightly is encouraged to ensure your child has great fluency. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher.
Expectativas de 4to grado:
Tareas: Su hijo(a) tendrá tarea de matemáticas y ortografía de lunes a jueves. Leer en casa es importante cada noche y asegurará un incremento en la fluidez. Si tiene preguntas, no dude en comunicarse con la maestra(o) de su hijo(a).
Important Dates to remember:
August 16, 2024 - Meet the Teacher
August 20, 2024 - First Day of School
Fechas Importantes
16 de agosto del 2024- Conocer a la maestra
20 de agosto del 2024- Primer dia de escuela