Our mission is to foster and promote independent, creative and critical learners by meeting the developmental, social, and emotional needs of the whole child. Through developmentally appropriate experiences, student involvement in classroom management, guided student activities and an engaging curriculum we will provide all children with the tools and opportunities to reach their full potential.
Kinder Grading Policy
Report cards are one way to gauge student performance. The students in kindergarten are graded on a scale 1-4.
- working below grade level, needs constant teacher assistance
- works on grade level but needs teacher assistance to complete tasks
- works consistently on grade level, with minimal or no teacher assistance
- works above grade level without teacher support
The District has created grading rubrics for every 9 nine weeks that report cards are given. The rubrics are aligned with TEKS(Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills). There are several tasks assigned after skills are taught in the different subject areas. Many of those are teacher created assessments and others such as TPRI/TEJAS LEE, DRA, IStation and TEMI are district mandated assessments.
On the right side of the report card the grading standard changes according to behaviors and skills observed in Personal Development. Work habits, self discipline, and homework are reflected on this part of the report card.
Kinder Homework Policy
It is critical that all kindergarten children spend time reading and discussing books at home as part of daily homework to ensure that they are successful in school . As soon as teachers start guided reading with small groups, the students will be provided with small readers to take home. The teacher will provide reading logs where the parents will put their initials.
As part of homework, the students will be given daily take home assignments or activity sheets Monday through Thursday. These assignments will have detailed instructions and will be at the students’ independent level but may require some parent support. These activities will provide practice of the academic skills learned in class. All of the homework, including the reading, shouldn't take more than 30 minutes to complete.
It’s important to complete and return daily homework. The homework is reflected in the students’ personal development grade on their report card.