6th Grade Team


Meet Mr. Ulrich

Currently, I am a 6th grade dual language teacher at Blazier. I have been teaching for 24 years. After graduating from UT Austin with a degree in Spanish Language and Literature, I went to live in Guatemala for 6 years. There, I taught English, Industrial Arts, Agriculture, and eventually was assistant principal in a public junior high school. While in Guatemala, I played with three bands, including a Mayan rock band with lyrics in the Mayan language of Tzutujil. 

Also while in Guatemala, I bought a piece of land, built a house, and started a family. My son has dual citizenship and his first language was Spanish. Currently, he is a Senior at Akins in the Dual Language Program. 

Here in Austin, I taught 2 years of kinder/1st dual language and 15 years at 5th grade. This year will be my second year teaching 6th grade. When I am not teaching, I play in three bands here: a Cumbia Latin Dance band, a band that plays many of my dad's songs, and a Cuban band. Also, I enjoy gardening, cooking, swimming, fishing, and kayaking with my son. 

Looking forward to another great year!


Meet Ms. Erazo 


I was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico. From the ages of 5 to 12, I was raised in Vicksburg, Mississippi. I love to exercise, hike and read for leisure. My true passion is traveling and getting lost to find myself in different countries. The beach is my happy place!

I attended the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Campus where I completed a BSBA. Also, I have an MBA and a Juris Doctor. After 15 years in the legal profession, I obtained a certification as a Bilingual Educator and moved to Austin in 2012. AISD is where I've worked for 10 years, and the last 2 academic years I was employed in HAYS ISD. This is my 13th year in education.

I am tremendously excited to work in Blazier ES in 6th grade! I absolutely love teaching ELAR, World Cultures and Spanish. Hope you will accompany me on this new journey towards your child's success!



Meet Ms. Gilmore

GilmoreI was born in St. Louis, Missouri then moved to Houston, Texas when I was 10.

I am a certified scuba diver and have been diving in Belize, Honduras, and Mexico. I have two dogs, a 4-year-old husky, and a 3-year-old husky/lab mix.

I attended Texas State University and graduated with a degree in Biology and a minor in Chemistry. This will be my 2nd year teaching at Blazier.

I love teaching 6th grade because it's a time of incredible growth and discovery for students.

The enthusiasm they bring to learning and their unique perspectives make each day exciting and fulfilling!



Meet Ms. Porras


I was born and raised in El Paso, Texas. I spent all my life in El Paso and am currently residing in Austin and so far it has been great! I earned my bachelor's degree in biology from UTEP and am now taking classes at Sul Ross State University to earn my master's in education with a school counselor certification. I have taught 8th grade math for three years and have learned so much from being around middle school students. During this time I also had the privilege to travel to Austin and Washington D.C. for professional development in student learning and educational pedagogy. 

I love spending time with my family, long road trips, and destressing with some Animal Crossing. I also enjoy watching movies on my down time, anything from classics to new releases. 

I am excited to embark on this new journey living in Austin and teaching amazing Blazier students math and science!