3rd Grade Team

Meet Ms. Simental

Welcome terrific third graders! My name is Mrs. Simental; I am pleased to be your third grade teacher this school year. This will be my third year as a Blazier Bluejay and I am so excited! Before, I taught 3rd grade for 6 years and 4th for 2 years in Cedar Creek, TX.

I was born and raised in Dallas, TX where my family still lives, so I go back often! I moved to Austin after graduating from Texas State University in San Marcos (Go Bobcats!) in 2004. I currently live with my beautiful family: my husband, Gustavo, my daughter, Brianna, and our two dogs, Frida and Rockstar. We love to explore Austin and spend lots of time with family and friends. 

¡Bienvenidos estudiantes maravillosos de tercer grado! Yo soy la Maestra Simental; Es un placer ser su maestra de tercer grado este año escolar. ¡Este será mi tercer año como un “Bluejay” de Blazier y estoy muy emocionada! Antes, fui maestra de 3er grado por 6 años y 4o grado por 2 años en Cedar Creek, TX. 

Nací y me crié en Dallas,TX donde todavía vive mi familia,¡así que regreso frecuentemente! Me mudé a Austin después de graduarme de la Universidad de Texas State en San Marcos (¡Vamos Bobcats!) en el 2004. Yo vivo con mi familia hermosa: mi esposo, Gustavo, mi hija, Brianna, y nuestras dos perritas, Frida y Rockstar. Nos encanta explorar nuestra ciudad, Austin, y pasar mucho tiempo con nuestra familia y amigos.  

Favorite Things/Cosas favoritas: 

Hot Pink  /  Rosado fuerte
The One and Only Ivan and Wonder / El único e incomparable Ivàn y La lección de August 
flautas, enchiladas, pupusas 
read, swim, collect plants / leer, nadar, coleccionar plantas 
SportsTeam/Equipo de deporte: 
Dallas Cowboys           
All types / Todo tipo
Subject in school as a child/Materia favorita de niña: 
Reading  /  Lectura


Meet Ms. Martinez-Medina


My name is Maria Martinez-Medina and this will be my 4th year teaching at Blazier. My teaching experiences have been in the fourth grade level, and I'm pleased to be here at Blazier Intermediate! I know this year will be filled with many adventures, learning experiences, and new memories. I'm looking forward to another successful school year. 

I was born and raised in Austin, TX and I truly enjoy living in the state capital. I'm a first generation college graduate from Texas State University where I obtained my Bachelor's Degree in Science, major in Interdisciplinary Studies with a focus in Bilingual Education. 

During my spare time, I enjoy cooking, reading, drawing, painting, relaxing, and watching TV. I enjoy visiting new places. I have family in Texas, Oklahoma, and San Felipe, Guanajuato Mexico. I enjoy spending time with all my family members. 


¡Hola! Mi nombre es María Martínez-Medina y este año será mi 4to año en Blazier. En mis cuatro años de ser maestra y tenido la oportunidad de enseñar 4to grado. Yo estoy entusiasmada de estar en la escuela Intermedia Blazier. Yo estoy emocionada por empezar este nuevo ciclo escolar donde habrá éxito para cada estudiante. 

Me gradué de la universidad estatal de Texas State en San Marcos, TX en el 2018 y obtuve mi licenciatura con un enfoque en educación bilingüe. Yo nací y fui criada en Austin y adoro nuestra hermosa ciudad. 
Algunos de mis pasatiempos son cocinar, leer, dibujar, pinta y mirar televisión. Me gusta conocer nuevos lugares . Actualmente tengo familia en Texas, Oklahoma y en San Felipe, Guanajuato México.


Meet Ms. Tucker



Hello Blue Jays! My name is Julia Tucker, and I’m very excited to be your third-grade teacher this year. Although this will be my first year teaching, I’ve had prior experience as a substitute and a student-teacher. I graduated from the University of Texas at Austin, where I studied Anthropology and Mandarin. I love spending time with my family, running, reading, and playing with my cat Charlie. My goal is to create a safe and inclusive space for everyone in my classroom. I’m very excited to get to know each and every one of my students this year.



Meet Ms. Montez

Howdy! My name is Ariana Montez. I am so proud to be a Blazier Blue Jay. I was born and raised in Southeast Austin and am a product of AISD schools! I received my Bachelors in EC-6 Education from The University of Texas at Austin. Hook ‘em Horns! This will be my second year at Blazier, and I cannot wait to continue growing alongside your learners. I enjoy trying new restaurants and food trucks in Austin with my partner, Franklin. I also like traveling to various places like Colorado and El Salvador. Fun Fact: I love plants and coffee!


Favorite Things

Color: Pink
Book: The Little Prince
Food: Pasta and Seafood
Hobbies: Reading and building Legos
Sports Team: Texas Longhorns          
Favorite subject in school as a child: Reading and Writing


Meet Ms. Pilkinton

PilkintonWelcome third graders! My name is Candice Pilkinton, or Ms Candi! This will be my first year at Blazier, but my 6th year teaching and I am so excited to join the Bluejay Familia! I've taught 4th grade and 3rd grade in the past 5 years in Northeast Austin.

I was born and raised here in South Austin, have a huge family right here in town and currently live with my partner and 3 giant dogs! I graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in 2013 with a Double Bachelors in Linguistics and Italian. I thoroughly enjoy all things autumn as well as the mystery and magic behind Halloween and Harry Potter. In my free time, I love creating things, dancing, cooking and gardening.


Meet Ms. Castaño

CastanoWelcome to third grade!!! My name is Ms. Castaño; I am overly excited to be your teacher this year. This is my second-year teaching at Blazier. I have been teaching for 11 years as a bilingual teacher with Austin ISD. I have taught kindergarten for 2 years, second grade for 6 years and this is my 3rd year in third grade. 

 I was born in Monterrey, Mexico, but was raised in Edinburg, TX. I moved to Austin 14 years ago to attend school here in Austin. I graduated from Texas State University in 2013 and have been teaching ever since.  I currently live with my family: my husband and two daughters, Sofia, who is 7, and Victoria, who is 5.

¡¡¡Bienvenidos a tercer grado!!! Yo soy la maestra Castaño y estoy muy emocionada de ser su maestra este año. Este es mi segundo año de enseñanza en Blazier.  He estado enseñando durante 11 años como maestra bilingüe en Austin ISD. He enseñado jardín de infantes durante 2 años, segundo grado durante 6 años y este es mi tercer año en tercer grado.

 Nací en Monterrey, México, pero crecí en Edinburg, TX. Me mudé a Austin hace 14 años para asistir a la escuela aquí en Austin. Me gradué de la Universidad Estatal de Texas en 2013 y he estado enseñando desde entonces.  Actualmente vivo con mi familia: mi esposo y mis dos hijas, Sofía de 7 años y Victoria de 5.

Favorite Things/Cosas favoritas: 

Hot Pink  /  Rosado fuerte
Esperanza Rising / Esperanza Renace
flautas, enchiladas and tostadas

swim and collect plants / nadar y coleccionar plantas